
Mikey’s Green Pause Button

by Natalie Cossar and Sharon Harvey Rosenberg
Illustrations by Hailey Russell

[September 2022]

10 Seconds of Courage

Containing 10 key principles, 10 Seconds of Courage travels from the basics (such as use of breath and body language) to deeper, more specific lessons, that deal with your negative inner voice, address external influences and mentor you to develop a mindful and purposeful approach to presenting and public speaking.

You may find yourself “in the moment”, learning the lessons and confidently moving forward with 10 seconds of courage because 10 seconds is doable!

Purchase a softcover or ebook or audiobook

Guided Audios Reflections “Practising the Pause”

Audio recordings and downloadable resources are free to anyone interested to try The Practice.

Feel free to contact Natalie with your questions and to share your story of The Practice - because your one story helps many.

“I do The Practice in the morning, before my feet touch the ground”

— Wanda